Community Wellness Alliance

Learn About The Community Wellness Alliance

Excelsior Wellness partners with other non-profit organizations to further our collective missions of helping community members live healthier, happier lives.

Maddies Place

Maddie's Place

Maddie’s Place is a non-profit organization in Spokane, WA that offers safe housing and support services to young women who have aged out of foster care. Learn More

New Developed Nations

New Developed Nations

The mission of New Developed Nations (NDN) is to be a program of excellence that provides the community with exceptional service by training chemically dependent and at-risk youth to be positive, functional and empowered citizens through music, sports, nutrition and education, providing them with a voice that may have been once unheard. NDN strives to work through diverse collaborations to benefit the people and communities across the U.S. from locally to globally. Learn More

Spokane Public Schools

Spokane Public Schools

The Spokane Public School district is a large and diverse school system located in Spokane, Washington, serving over 30,000 K-12 students across 34 elementary schools, 7 middle schools, and 5 high schools. The district prioritizes personalized learning, student achievement, and community involvement to ensure every student has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Learn More

Partners Families & Children

Partners with Families & Children

Partners with Families & Children is a non-profit in Seattle that supports families and children through various programs and services. These include early childhood education, parent support, and mental health services, with a focus on those facing challenges or special needs. The organization’s mission is to build stronger, healthier families and communities through collaboration and dedicated professionals. Learn More

Spokane Treatment & Recovery Services

Spokane Treatment and Recovery Services

Spokane Treatment and Recovery Services (STARS) is a non-profit behavioral health agency that has been serving our community since 1980. We offer multiple services and levels of care to address the needs of our clients in every stage of their treatment. Our highly skilled substance use disorder and mental health professionals work together with the client to develop a unique and individualized service plan that treats the whole person using evidence-based practices. Learn More

Are you a local provider who recognizes the need for integration but is looking for an alternative to the large healthcare system of today? Rather than a provider or service in a community reporting to a headquarters in a different city or state, we believe in and support community-based organizations serving their own communities. It’s healthier for the organization and it’s healthier for the community.

When there is pressure on an organization to accept an acquisition into a system or shut its doors, the Community Wellness Alliance (CWA) presents an alternative option. This option allows them to continue to be person-centered in their efforts. The CWA is a champion for community organizations, enabling their continued sustainability through financial and operational support while maintaining their unique identities and cultures. This is how we can promote greater access for targeted populations who remain underserved. Our collaboration promotes greater health equity and builds a healthier community for all.

We invite the following continuum of care providers to participate!


Join the Community Wellness Alliance and Maintain Your Unique Identity While Promoting Health Equity

Join the Community Wellness Alliance today:

Call: Ryan Kiely 509-559-3100

Email: [email protected]