Our Commitment

A Different Approach
in the Workplace

Our Commitment

Excelsior Wellness is committed to offering, patient-centered services that enable our patients and community to live healthier, stronger, and more satisfying lives.


  • We are committed to being strong advocates for behavioral health initiatives in our community
  • We believe that every positive action has the power to make a difference long term and commit to keeping long-term priorities in view when making everyday decisions
  • We are committed to incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion in our programs and as part of our internal organizational culture to build a culturally inclusive workforce
  • We are committed to viewing our work and our workforce through a holistic lens that allows us to build solutions and spaces where people can grow and thrive
  • We are committed to not doing just what is easy, but what is right

Our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is central to our employee resources program and our quality improvement process.

Our success is dependent on employees and partners of Excelsior taking strong positive action for cultural change. Our commitment provides employees throughout Excelsior the tools and education to build a more culturally inclusive workforce accountable to the communities that we serve.

An Employer of Choice

Excelsior recognizes the importance of health and wellness for its employees, as well as our patients. We believe that recovery is a prerequisite for productivity to combat the stressors of each day. Our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors contribute to our sense of being well, and our recovery process is essential to promoting positive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Excelsior promotes eating well, sleeping well, moving well, and thinking well. We recognize our employees’ and providers’ recovery process is essential to be able to partner with another person in their wellness and recovery journey.

Click below to navigate to each section:

2022-2023 Equity Scholarship

Excelsior Wellness’s Excelsior Equity Scholarship Fund Application and past recipients.

Voice and Choice

We provide a group environment for cultural, spiritual and religious groups marked by unity, respect, and safety.

2022-2023 Equity Scholarship

Excelsior Wellness Scholarship Annoucement

Voice and Choice

Seven billion people in the world and each one of us has a different fingerprint. Our spiritual, cultural and psychological self, along with each of our countless sub-cultures, is unique, and this is part of what makes us an individual. Excelsior recognizes the need for individuals to discover, decipher and/or determine, what about their culture matters to them. Individuals tell us what support they may seek in these areas. We partner with a variety of experts who provide culture, spiritual and religious groups. We provide a group environment marked by unity, respect, and safety.

Our service planning will be guided by your “voice and choice,” and we are committed to sharing nothing about you without your consent.